Resistbot Petition: Stop the Shock: Protect Missouri Homes from Utility Rate Hikes! (Mo. only)

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Mo. only)

Stop the Shock: Protect Missouri Homes from Utility Rate Hikes!

16 so far! Help us get to 25 signers!

I urge you to vote no on HB 1435 (Haley), HB 1804 (Black), SB 928 (Cierpiot), SB 1159 (Trent), and HB 2541 (Hurlbert), which seek to raise Missouri electric rates to finance power plant construction expenses. Passing these bills would worsen our state’s already severe housing instability and homelessness crisis. Economically vulnerable households are grappling with increasing living costs, often forced to choose between essentials like food, rent, and utilities. This burden disproportionately affects the 27% of Missouri renter households categorized as extremely low income (ELI), who survive on 30% or less of the area median income and are on the brink of homelessness. Alarmingly, ninety-one percent of these households are already part of the workforce, elderly, disabled, students, or single caregivers, highlighting the widespread impact of this crisis. Energy, a basic necessity, is a crucial part of rental expenses. Rising utility costs can quickly lead to disconnections and subsequent evictions. ELI households already face an unequal energy burden, spending 6% or more of their income solely on energy costs. While many try to catch up during non-peak months, increased expenses will make this increasingly difficult, if not impossible for some. Additionally, small businesses may struggle to keep up with their utility bills. Despite years of weatherization and bill-payment initiatives, low-income households still bear a disproportionate share of energy costs. This inequality is particularly evident in low-income, minority, and rural Missouri communities, such as Decatur, Van Buren, Putnam, Scotland, Knox, Monroe, Benton, Hickory, Wayne, and Ozark counties, where energy burdens exceed 6% for ELI households. The proposed Construction-Work-In-Progress (CWIP) mechanism allows utilities to charge consumers upfront for power plant construction, often before the projects are proven viable. Examples from Georgia and South Carolina highlight the risks associated with this approach, with consumers bearing billions in costs for projects that ultimately failed to generate electricity. Missourians, especially the most vulnerable, should not have to finance speculative power plant ventures. Missouri voters have already expressed their stance on this issue by overwhelmingly rejecting CWIP through a voter-led initiative in 1976. Utilities should take responsibility for their investments instead of transferring the risk to consumers. I urge you to prioritize the well-being of struggling Missouri families by opposing policies that raise energy costs, ultimately leading to evictions and homelessness. Stand with them by voting NO on HB 1435, HB 1804, SB 928, SB 1159, and HB 2541.

▶ Created on February 13 by MO Residents

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