The immigration crackdown by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is causing significant harm, as evidenced by the case of Lewelyn Dixon, a longtime green card holder from the Philippines. Despite living and working in the United States for 50 years, with no apparent criminal record, she was detained by ICE upon returning from a family trip. This violates her due process rights as a lawful permanent resident. Green card holders like Dixon have been subjected to unjust detention and potential deportation without sufficient cause or legal representation. The U.S. Constitution guarantees the right to counsel in criminal proceedings, but not in civil immigration cases, creating a glaring injustice. Detaining individuals without access to legal counsel undermines fundamental principles of fairness and equal protection under the law. We urge an immediate review of Dixon's case and her prompt release if no valid grounds for deportation exist. Furthermore, we call for an end to the indiscriminate detention of green card holders and a commitment to upholding due process in all immigration proceedings. Lawful permanent residents deserve clarity on the grounds for potential deportation and access to adequate legal representation.
▶ Created on March 24 by Washingtonians For Justice