Resistbot Petition: BLATANT COLLUSION

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Did we the people miss something? When was Fox News, or specifically Tucker Carlson, elected to become the Baghdad Bob of the GOP? It’s been apparent for years that Fox is the propaganda wing for the right-leaning amongst us. But the latest move by House leadership to endow Mr. Tucker with 41,000 hours of January 6 security footage is truly, spectacularly, ballsy. Will he be compiling another film trying to disavow the relevance of that day? Cherry-picking to make it all seem like an over-enthusiastic Capitol tour? Or even better, compile a primer on the limits of Capitol security for any wingnut inclined to do it better next time? You’ve got to be joking. What else does Speaker McCarthy have the power to just throw out in the public domain regardless of consequences? And not just out in the public domain, but to one of the most visible, most watched, most influential, most January 6 -deniers on the planet? How will this ever end well? If House leaders choose to disseminate this level of information, shouldn’t it be done in a more thoughtful, responsible, official way? It appears that most every previous release of bits and pieces of this video trove has taken much more effort, either through the courts or serious negotiation, than was exhibited by the Speaker’s actions. Where’s the transparency he’s always going on about? But since he’s mum, who knows? And more importantly, who cares? The rules don’t seem to apply to much these days. If you can do it, and there are no consequences, it must be okay. If y’all are okay with all this, I guess we’ll have to be too. But you shouldn’t be okay with this. This is a wrong wrong wrong situation. We want an explanation and some answers please.

▶ Created on February 22, 2023 by Debbie

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