Resistbot Petition: SCOTUS QUESTIONS VS SEN. CRUZ (Texas only)

An open letter to the U.S. Congress (Texas only)


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. After watching some of the questions asked today of Amy Coney Barrett and her unenviable job of trying to say something without saying anything, I’m wondering about the fate of a country whose Supreme Court, the final legal arbiter in our country, is weighted to a minority of the population. Obamacare. People love it. And more importantly people need it during a pandemic. Roe vs Wade. The population overwhelmingly wants to keep it. How do you think the American citizenry would react if either or both of these were taken away? It seems you are as intent on destroying your own party as your President is. The curve of modern society, and history, is not bending your way. If you know any history at all, revolutions start when the ruling class is out of touch. Example. A smart, articulate woman is sitting for hours of grilling, hours of asinine questions, and what does one of our esteemed senators ask? 1. How long have you played the piano? 2. Do the kids do piano lessons as well? 3. You and your husband have seven kids. How did you manage with the distance learning? What was that like in the Barrett household? 4. What advice would you give little girls? Has there been a more blatant example of male condescension? Could you not come up with questions at least as intelligent as the woman you’re talking to. Or talking down to I should say? It was insulting to her. And you should apologize for being part of the country’s problem. Don’t get me wrong, she’s the absolutely wrong replacement for RBG. But she still deserved more than she got from you.

▶ Created on October 14, 2020 by Debbie

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