Resistbot Petition: FAILURES ABOUND

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. As the most awful year of 2020 finally comes to an end, I’m pondering the state of America. So many shortcomings have been exposed. So many inequities. So much incompetence at the highest levels of government. There appears to be failure all around us. Failure to protect the American people by an administration who gave up on the pandemic. Or worse, didn’t care enough to really try. Failure to adequately help the citizenry because of cheap politics. The amazing achievement of a Covid vaccine so quickly is undercut by the failure of the administration to work with the states to get the vaccines out and in people’s arms. Instead of governmental action in a coherent, cohesive leadership fashion, we get the continued effort to turn over a presidential election, we get our elected officials dragging their feet, jumping on doomed bandwagons, spouting nonsense, impeding a peaceful transition of power. These are the things that seem to occupy our leaders’ time. I guess because it doesn’t require a whole lot of work to just talk. Action is hard. And caring seems to be virtually impossible. It’s just all too depressing the level of failure. But you should be the ones depressed about this fact of rampant incompetence. It’s your government that’s in charge. This is the best America is capable of? I know that’s not true. We’ve proven capable of anything we put our wills and minds to. But all that seems relegated to the past. Instead, now, we get politicians so fevered to hang on to power, they’ve conceded the might of America to petty politics. So here’s hoping that 2021 is a lot brighter. And we can recover from the embarrassment and chaos and major incompetence of the past 4 years. Some quiet competence would be a blessing. But the reputations of the GOP Congress, with rare exceptions, may not deserve redemption.

▶ Created on December 31, 2020 by Debbie

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