Resistbot Petition: THIS IS AMERICA?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Another day of irony on parade. While watching Fox News publicly exposed as a propaganda network(big surprise) whose major players knew they were promoting false information to the country and fanning the flames of insurrection, all in the name of the bottom line, it’s impossible to not see yet more hypocrisy in action. Rupert Murdoch, an Australian-born but naturalized American since 1985, has used the power of America to build one of the largest platforms for bending public opinion outside of Russia. Why should this irresponsible intent, provided for and allowed under cover of American liberty to make a fortune by disseminating rhetoric to dangerously inflame the country he’s a part of, not be a deportable offense? And citizenship in our country revoked? An immigrant trying to get into America these days, who would probably be ecstatic to get a job as a dishwasher, would have more difficulty than a man who built an empire that enabled an insurrection against the country that gave him an extremely lucrative home. If the powers-that-be in our government sit by and watch, encourage and allow this out-in-the-open assault on our democracy, while at the same time exhibiting outrage that social media is somehow biased against all things ‘conservative’ and attempting to stop this perceived bias using the power of the government, then our country has turned into a Monty Python skit. But not a funny one.

▶ Created on February 19, 2023 by Debbie

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