Resistbot Petition: GET A GRIP

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. While watching the nightly news with scenes of looonnng lines of old folks in Florida and elsewhere lined up for first-come first-served vaccinations, I pause to ponder what one of my Texas senators considers even more important. Overthrowing a presidential election. Senator Cruz. Your ability to jump on the wrong side of history knows no limit. Apparently there is no bottom to the lengths you will go to get publicity, even working against your country. All in the name of a righteous crusade on behalf of the American people. one’s believing that for a second. As you and 10 of the other disingenuous members of the Senate so piously put it... “A fair and credible audit conducted expeditiously and completed well before January 20 would dramatically improve Americans’ faith in our electoral process and would significantly enhance the legitimacy of whoever becomes our next President,” the statement said. “We owe that to the People.” And with that, you accept following a lie over the truth of millions and millions and millions of our votes. The people spoke. We don’t need you to defend us. We were not wronged. We were not robbed. We spoke loudly. Clearly. Definitively. You accept ideology and self-interest over country. Whatever happened to your clarion cry of personal responsibility? You might want to remind Mr. Trump, yourself, and all the other big crybabies on your bandwagon that a contest has a winner and a loser. You just, unfortunately, aligned yourself with a loser. So like one of your colleagues requested...get a grip. Me, I would much prefer getting a vaccination over watching y’all bloviate eternally over what you know is a lost cause. So get a grip. And get Texas some vaccinations. Like you promised.

▶ Created on January 3, 2021 by Debbie

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