Resistbot Petition: IN THE END, LIES WON’T WIN

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Well, y’all did it. And by y’all I mean my Texas Rep, with the tacit approval of (because I have heard nothing to the contrary) my two Senators. You got rid of one of the few people acknowledging the emperor really is butt nekkid. And destroying everything he touches as well. Telling the truth. And that got her fired. Telling the truth. Astounding. So this is your party. Condoning and furthering lies over truth. Giving support to the erosion of our democracy. Throwing a true conservative Republican on the bonfire that is fealty to Trump. Who’d a thunk it? I’d be really depressed if I were you. Because this is who you are now. "This is not about policy. This is not about partisanship. This is about our duty as Americans. Remaining silent and ignoring the lie emboldens the liar." Yep. That says it all. But I also enjoyed reading this as well... “On Thursday, over 100 former Republican leaders will drop a letter saying that if party leadership does not separate itself from former president Trump, they will start a third party. They are calling themselves the “rationals” against the “radicals,” and they include former governors and representatives, as well as Republican officeholders.” Now that is a notion that might turn me back into an Independent voter. Because the GOP as it stands right now is the furthest thing from a democratic, country-loving, patriotic, or even decent, outfit I can think of. You sold your souls to a loser. Bad, awful bet.

▶ Created on May 12, 2021 by Debbie

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