
An open letter to the U.S. Congress

Urgent: Protect Our Seniors - Oppose Fiscal Commission

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I am writing to you as a concerned constituent, deeply troubled by the recent advancement of the bipartisan fiscal commission legislation by the House Budget Committee, chaired by Representative Jodey C. Arrington. Despite the guise of fiscal responsibility and budget management, I fear this commission is a precursor to detrimental cuts in critical social security and healthcare programs that support our seniors and low-income families. The proposed commission, poised to address the government's fiscal outlook and propose expedited actions to Congress, is seen by many, including myself, as a veiled attempt to undermine the very pillars of our social safety net. The apprehension stems from the underlying narrative that this commission could serve as a vehicle to reduce essential benefits under Social Security and Medicare, as vocalized by ranking member Rep. Brendan F. Boyle and others. The endorsement of this commission by Speaker Mike Johnson, with intentions to attach it to the final fiscal 2024 appropriations legislation, is particularly concerning. Embedding such a significant and potentially impactful measure in must-pass funding bills undermines transparent governance and deprives the public of a clear understanding and discourse on the matter. While I recognize the necessity of addressing our nation's fiscal challenges, including reducing deficits and managing our debt, I firmly believe that it should not be at the expense of those most vulnerable. The strategy to improve our long-term fiscal condition must be balanced, equitable, and transparent. It is imperative that any reforms to programs like Social Security and Medicare are approached with the utmost care, ensuring the continued support and protection of the millions of Americans who rely on these programs. Moreover, the opposition to the commission by Democrats, citing concerns over its potential use as a backdoor to impose unpopular cuts, cannot be overlooked. The process of addressing our fiscal challenges should be inclusive, reflecting the diverse perspectives and needs of all Americans, not just a selected few. As your constituent, I urge you to oppose the attachment of the fiscal commission to the final fiscal 2024 appropriations legislation. I implore you to advocate for a transparent and fair process that ensures the economic security of all Americans, particularly our seniors and low-income households, is not compromised. Our focus should be on creating a sustainable fiscal path that fosters growth, stability, and prosperity for all, without undermining the trust and reliance placed in our cherished social programs. Thank you for considering my views on this critical matter. I trust that you will represent the interests and concerns of your constituents with integrity and foresight.

▶ Created on February 6 by Mike

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