Resistbot Petition: ACTIONS = CONSEQUENCES

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. As events continue to unfold following Wednesday’s assault on democracy, we learn more and more about the people involved, the planning involved, the fires of deceit fanned, and the blind eyes turned. And we are determining where the fault lies. We know it lies with the president. Horrified people on both sides of the political divide agree on that. Most of America agrees on that. Any patriot agrees on that. That’s the pinnacle of responsibility. But the prime instigator could not have proceeded In his quest to destroy democracy on his own behalf were it not for his constant, eager, ever-ready enablers. The whole world knows who they are. And two that are squarely in the spotlight right now are two senators. One of whom is, unfortunately, from the great state of Texas. Senator Cruz, you and Sen. Hawley are unworthy of the great responsibility to the country that you were given. You proved that a few days ago. I think many of us are in total agreement with the recent Texas Tribune editorial entreaty... “Senator, those terrorists wouldn’t have been at the Capitol if you hadn’t staged this absurd challenge to the 2020 results in the first place. So, we call for another consequence, one with growing support across Texas: Resign.” “We’re done with the drama. Done with the opportunism. Done with the cynical scheming that has now cost American lives. Resign, Mr. Cruz, and deliver Texas from the shame of calling you our senator.” The blatant insincerity, craven opportunism, and oh so obvious cynicism of your stunt in the face of anarchy is unforgivable. Your particular brand of political ambition needs to be shunned. Banned. Banished. And the court of public opinion needs to send you packing. I’m just sorry you’ll be sent packing back to Texas.

▶ Created on January 10, 2021 by Debbie

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