An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings.I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Obviously there’s no bottom to be hit in the dying Trump presidency. The outrages and mob boss behavior accelerate as the exit draws near. But this one in particular is nasty. A retweet of a lunatic posting with a selfie of an ER doc in Nevada showing a newly constructed mobile Covid ward. And thanking his staff and others for their selfless duty and extraordinary service. The idiot posting said: “Here is the fake Nevada parking garage hospital picture that our moron governor tweeted, proving it’s all a scam. No patients, folded up beds, wrapped up equipment that’s never been used! They spent millions on this scam and never seen a single patient in this fake hospital!” And retweeted by our conspiracy-theorist-in-chief with his own line of nutty: “Fake elections results in Nevada, also!” The president of the USA tweeting lying propaganda out to his millions of followers. The leader of our country casting doubt on a pandemic he has refused to confront. That’s killing a citizen every minute of every day right now. Disparaging those on the front lines fighting this battle night and day. The same selfless folks who got him through his own Covid bout. All while touting his continued crazy rant about an election he lost. Everyone knows he lost. Even Mr. Barr. So hell has finally frozen over. Time to pack his bags. But as long as there’s a dime to be made pushing his election fraud conspiracy, he’ll keep it up. Why wouldn’t he? It’s what he does best. Separating people from their money. There is a sucker born every minute and he proves it daily. This whole finale is disgusting business. Mr. Trump is going to break, abuse, crap on, and destroy everything and everyone he can before he’s pushed out the door. But y’all get to live with him until they put him in the ground. A match you made for yourselves. Hope you have a long and mutually-beneficial marriage. Cheers.

▶ Created on December 2, 2020 by Debbie

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