As a person who believes in science and evidence-based medicine, I ask you to vote “no” in the confirmation hearing of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to the head of Health and Human Services.
Medical professionals spend countless hours studying cell and molecular biology, biochemistry, virology, pathology, and immunology so that they may fully grasp biomedical science. Additionally, they learn statistics so they may learn to prudently discern which data has statistical significance, validity and power to give us relevant information. Together, these allow us as a nation to make medical decisions that will protect us.
Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has a history of pseudo-medical claims that are not backed by high-quality evidence. His choice to disparage vaccines will promote vaccine hesitancy, which puts us all at higher risk for mortality and morbidity from vaccine-preventable illness.
Again, I ask you to vote “no” to the confirmation of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. to the head of Health and Human Services.