Resistbot Petition: THE ROAD IS LONG, BUMPY, & CROOKED

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. What we’re reading… More ‘don’t believe your lying eyes’ from the MAGA GOP. While their (and your) convicted felon of a candidate moves heaven and earth to convince us there is not fire with all that smoke, we also watch the current Prez standing back while justice is meted out to his son. In silence. You and yours should watch and learn. Political consultant Stuart Stevens: “I worked in five presidential races and helped elect Republican governors or Senators in over half the country. I have never heard anything more transparently desperate than a party trying to spin that there is some non-MAGA pool of voters who can't wait to vote for a convicted felon.” A Morning Consult poll on Friday to gauge how voters were reacting to the guilty verdict: 54% of registered voters approved of it. 34% disapproved. 49% of Independents and 15% of Republicans thought he should end his campaign. WA state has a law on the books that prevents felons from running for office. (Seems a no-brainer.) But because a candidate has to be certified to be on a ballot before they can be challenged, the issue can’t be resolved until DJT officially becomes the GOP nominee at the July convention. As the reporter on the story asked, “Republicans: You sure you want to go down this road?” Top sports talk host Colin Cowherd pushed back on the idea that the trial was rigged, telling his listeners: “If everybody in your circle is a felon, maybe it’s not rigged. Maybe the world isn’t against you.” “Donald Trump is now a felon. His campaign chairman was a felon. So is his deputy campaign manager, his personal lawyer, his chief strategist, his National Security Adviser, his Trade Advisor, his Foreign Policy Adviser, his campaign fixer, and his company CFO. They’re all felons. Judged by the company you keep. It’s a cabal of convicts.” ProPublica reported that Trump’s businesses and campaign committees have funneled significant financial benefits to at least 9 witnesses in the criminal actions against Trump, often at crucial moments in the legal proceedings. The pay of one campaign aide doubled; another got a $2M severance package that barred him from cooperating with law enforcement. The daughter of one of the campaign’s top officials was hired onto the staff and is now the fourth-highest-paid employee, with a salary of $222,000. Payments to the companies of certain witnesses dramatically increased. Then there’s the potential of The Apprentice N-word tape dropping before the election. You sure you want to go down this road?

▶ Created on June 4 by Debbie

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