Resistbot Petition: YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Y’all are making me break my vow to shut up until the November mid-terms. Why? Because you and yours won’t do the same. And what you won’t shut up about deserves a spotlight put on it. And constituents to make noise about it. Racism. Not implicit anymore. Blatantly explicit. Complicit. Proud. Loud. I’m talking today about Alabama’s reincarnation of George Wallace. Senator Tommy Tuberville. And what he said. And how your GOP let him. How my Texas GOP Senators let him. Silence is affirmation. This is your party’s tried and true and effective go to. Every. Single. Time. And you can mealy-mouth otherwise, but we don’t believe it. Desperate times call for desperate measures. So the oldest trick in the book gets pulled out of the hat once again. Voila. Too bad y’all can’t just talk about all the good things you’ve done for the country instead. Oh. Wait. Never mind.

▶ Created on October 10, 2022 by Debbie

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