Resistbot Petition: WHERE’S YOUR JOY?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Thank goodness that’s done. We all survived the SCOTUS auto de fe. Too bad you can’t say the same about the actions of a few Senators. Their morality, humanity, and common decency may never recover. But I have a feeling those traits may have run shallow in the first place, so no matter. Senator Cornyn, you showed true senatorial gravitas. You asked questions that were actually relevant to the proceedings. And you seemed to actually want to hear KBJ’s answers. You were thoughtful. I may not always agree with the place you’re coming from, but you were respectful. And you listened. The same cannot be said about my junior senator from Texas. What a laughingstock, again, Senator Cruz, you’ve made of yourself and our state. And you don’t even care, because your quest for relevance supersedes everything. Unfortunately you always manage to achieve the reverse. What an embarrassing spectacle. And the other senators who participated in demeaning the process, and themselves, never managed to do the same with the person in front of them. She showed them patience born of a lifetime of enduring men (and women) just exactly like them. She was perfect in her responses to their condensation, their confrontation, their disrespect. Her place in history is indisputable. She will succeed in spite of the blatant attempts to smear her record. Indisputable as well are the antics of her wannabe inquisitors. But as Corey Booker so succinctly put it, you can’t take away our joy at this moment in history. Nuff said.

▶ Created on March 24, 2022 by Debbie

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