
An open letter to the U.S. Congress

Indict, impeach, expand! Wake up and fight!

7 so far! Help us get to 10 signers!

Are you awake, yet? Are you ready to do what’s required to save this republic? Because so far, it looks like you have no idea the threat we’re facing. You’ve put your faith in broken and corrupt institutions and the christofascists have out played you at every turn. Yes, christofascists. I know you think Nazis are just just mustache-twirling matinee villains. You’d think the past six years would wake you to the fact fascists are real and they’re here, and they have this country by the throat. We’re running out of time and you’re pathetic play-by-the-rules approach is a failure. Stop bringing a plastic spork to the gunfight. While there’s still time: - Indict the insurrectionist ringleaders. If AG Garland wont, replace him. People at the top must be held to account. Otherwise, Jan 6 will have just been a trial run for a more successful try next time. - Impeach Justices Gorsuch, Kavennaugh, blah, and Thomas. The first three perjured themselves during their nomination hearings and were illegitimately nominated by a criminal President. Thomas improperly used his position to protect his insurrectionist wife from investigation. Remove them. - Expand the court. Dilute the power of any one justice. You should have done this last January. Better late than never, I guess. - Admit Washington DC and Puerto Rico as the 51st and 52nd states. If the undemocratic Senate can’t be disbanded, at least do what you can balance things more favorably to the actual will of the people. The fate of the country and, indeed, the world relies on you taking bold action. If you cannot, get out of the hell out of the way and let a new generation do the job.

▶ Created on June 24, 2022 by Todd

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