Resistbot Petition: CRY ME A RIVER

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Oh good grief. After years of GOP name calling Dems every despicable thing in our vocabulary, egged on and encouraged by your presidential standard bearer, y’all have had your feelings hurt by the use of ‘semi-fascist’ to describe… Lies used to destroy democracy. Lies that led to a violent insurrection. Lies used to wreak vengeance and revenge on our highest law enforcement agencies. Lies resulting in hoarding of high-security classified materials. Perhaps even still. Lies used to incite violence against archivists trying to do their jobs as required by law. ARCHIVISTS. Lies to encourage violence against any and all elected officials. Anyone and everyone becomes a target if deemed disloyal to you know who. On and on and on it goes. I have neither time nor energy to list all the dangerous rhetoric y’all have thrown, will throw, and continue to throw foment violence and destroy trust in the pillars of our democracy. So what would you call all that? I’m pretty sure ‘semi-fascist’ is a mild term compared to the reality. You know the sure way to back down a bully? Use their own tactics against them. And since it’s been proven that y’all don’t care to climb out of the gutter, that common decency means little in pursuit of power no matter the cost, it’s time for fighting fire with fire. So buck up. I for one am hoping this isn’t the last we’ve seen of your hurt feelings.

▶ Created on August 28, 2022 by Debbie

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