
An open letter to the President & U.S. Congress

Reject amendments to appropriations bills that deny trans Americans healthcare

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Blatant, backhanded measures to chip away at trans rights are happening right now - we must stand the line and reject the amendments added by Marjorie Taylor Greene and her ilk to the appropriations bills for the FDA, military, children's hospitals, veteran affairs, and other funding bills. The absolute gall to explicitly deny care to trans Americans in the Health and Human Services bill has me livid - and it should worry you, too. Extremist, bigoted Republicans are trying to enforce a minority agenda throughout the entire country with these provisos, despite the fact that anti trans laws keep being struck down as illegal. We cannot allow them to chip away at our rights to bodily autonomy, informed consent in healthcare decisions using evidence based and up to date information, privacy, and especially not in our right to access life saving care that gives fellow citizens the chance to do more than just survive. Gender affirming healthcare lets our community members thrive; it is an integral lifeline to thousands of Americans and a foundation from which they can pursue life, liberty, and happiness. We should further recognize that bigots are trying to find ways to divide the LGBTQ+ community, which has gained so much ground in the last decade and a half, in order to return to the recent past when homosexuality was illegal and people could be arrested for "cross dressing". They are trying to take advantage of the fact that trans rights and issues are less commonly known outside the LGBTQ+ community to destabilize the progress we have made. We cannot allow them to degrade anyone in such a manner! We must see these attempts for what they are: an attempt to divide and conquer, to try and regain ground in the "culture wars" that they have lost. Do not let them dictate gender to our citizens. Do not let them stand between Americans and lifesaving care that they desperately need. Do not let them deny trans Americans the respect and dignity that all humans are owed. And if necessary, remind them that these overreaches are diametrically opposed to their own stated goal of limiting the reach of government power. These clauses are purposely aiming to curtail the rights and liberty of Americans - that cannot be allowed to pass!

▶ Created on August 3, 2023 by Meghan

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