Resistbot Petition: DO BETTER

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I’m almost bored with challenging hypocrisy from my elected officials. It’s so prevalent that I can’t keep up. And y’all don’t care if you’re viewed as hypocrites or not so why bother. But I do bother. Because that is democracy in action. We can’t, as citizens, ignore the BS spouted by politicians. Especially when it is viewed as dangerous to our Republic. Case in point. Senator Cruz gets taken to the woodshed by the second most powerful Republican kingmaker, Tucker Carlson, last week. Because the public shaming, I mean mea culpa, wasn’t enough apparently, he this week decided to exhibit his fealty further by grilling the FBI about whether federal agents instigated the riot, an unfounded conspiracy theory Tucker Carlson brought into the mainstream last summer. I expect you know how that proceeded way better than I ever care to, so I leave it at that. Then my other Texas Senator, who I continue to believe still has some semblance of a soul, decided to tweet out poll information from November 2020 showing how 94% of voters thought voting was easy…so what’s all the hubbub about? The hubbub is that If the voting laws and elections procedures that existed in November 2020 were left intact — procedures that made it easier for Americans to cast ballots during a pandemic — Democrats and other democracy advocates wouldn't be quite so desperate to pass legislation such as the Freedom to Vote Act and the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act. Those voting laws and elections procedures you cite are no longer intact. That status quo was replaced by new voting restrictions in 19 states. This most recent behavior by you two illustrate perfectly why we need to be allowed to vote safely, easily, and without legalized suppression. Is this the best the country has to offer?

▶ Created on January 12, 2022 by Debbie

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