An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I would certainly like to be a fly on the wall when one of my senators meets with the mother of Brian Sicknick today. I can’t imagine what that conversation would sound like. But at least Senator Cruz was brave enough to actually take the meeting. Not that that means he will do the right thing by voting to find out why her son had to die as a result of January 6. We’ll see. Then we have Senator Cornyn, whose day is so busy he decided to send staff to meet with Mrs. Sicknick instead of doing the hard work himself. Can you conceive of how disrespectful this appears? To not care enough to take this meeting? Her son did his job and showed up to protect members of Congress. Which he and so many others did. And because he did, you all escaped unharmed. Mr. Sicknick and the other dead and injured officers cannot say the same. But yet, the GOP, for all its vaunted ‘Back the Blue’ rabble-rousing, shows the exact opposite by their actions. Or non-actions I should say. Per CNN: “It's unclear whether a last-minute effort by the mother of fallen Capitol Police officer Brian Sicknick to meet with GOP senators ahead of the expected vote on the January 6 commission will alter that outcome. In a statement obtained by CNN, Gladys Sicknick writes, "Not having a January 6 Commission to look into exactly what occurred is a slap in the faces of all the officers who did their jobs that day." And: “We are political pawns," one [Capitol Police] officer said. "Now the people we are sworn to protect and did protect on the 6th don't want to fund us or figure out what really happened that day." "It is inconceivable that some of the Members we protect, would downplay the events of January 6th. Member safety was dependent upon the heroic actions of USCP. It is a privileged assumption for Members to have the point of view that 'It wasn't that bad,' " the letter said. "That privilege exists because the brave men and women of the USCP protected you, the Members." Inconceivable indeed. They showed up and did their job for the country. You should as well.

▶ Created on May 27, 2021 by Debbie

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