Resistbot Petition: DO THE RIGHT THING

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Now that the GOP has managed to dodge, denigrate, and downplay the one-year anniversary of January 6, y’all can now move on to finishing a minority takeover of the government by corrupting our system of voting. So far, you’re doing pretty darn good on that front. Purging members of your own party if they don’t support the lie that’s bringing America down. Routing election officials responsible for keeping the wheels of elections on track for the same. Replacing, or attempting to, those same folks with toadies who profess to believe the lie, and are willing to take the country down that despicable road once in office. “Today, Republicans can win not only the White House, but the Congress and gerrymandered state legislatures, without winning a majority. “We are witnessing a minority takeover of our democracy,” constitutional law scholar Kermit Roosevelt wrote in TIME. It’s taking place not just nationally, but at the state and local level. This is why democracy’s defenders – Republicans, Democrats, and all people of good will – must not make Trump’s mistake, thinking that the nation’s future will be decided in a single, public, climactic showdown. It depends on a thousand little struggles with enormous stakes, on unsung efforts of unknown heroes.” A coup. A coup with permission from the GOP. A coup by the GOP. Against our most valued right. Our vote. Congress needs to work together to fix this rolling subversion. You are the ones who can make certain our democracy survives. If you can’t or won’t do it, just look to events in Kazakhstan to see what can happen. And if you think it can’t, or won’t, happen here, you really shouldn’t be in public office. Because you’re not as smart as you think you are. Lastly, a final observation that encapsulates today’s GOP. Senator Cruz humiliated himself with Tucker Carlson to stay on the right side of the MAGA crowd. Dick Cheney brought honor to his family by escorting his daughter, Liz, to the Jan. 6 anniversary ceremony at the Capitol. On which side of that divide will you find yourselves going forward?

▶ Created on January 8, 2022 by Debbie

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