Resistbot Petition: CLOWNS. BUT NOT FUNNY.

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent In rural west Texas. Another Sunday morning. Another news feed filled with Trump administration antics. I say antics because even though not at all funny, they’re becoming increasingly absurd. And by absurd I mean ludicrous. Or dereliction. Your choice. I once thought we might be living in the America Sinclair Lewis portrays in his novel ‘It Can’t Happen Here.’ Shameless politician rises, becomes president, turns the country into a dictatorship. But it’s increasingly obvious that given the leadership coming from the top, no one in the administration either has the skills, or organization, or discipline, or all of the above to kill the country. It’s bruised but it’s gonna take more than the current clown show to kill it. Right hand doesn’t know what left hand is doing. Administration officials come out with the party line only to have it squelched by a tweet in the next breath. Mr. Trump is a contrarian on every issue. Except the pandemic. That one he’s always consistent on. Ignore it. It’ll go away. Nothing to see here. People are gonna die. It is what it is. (And is there some irony in that? Pandemic killing the country AND his chances of re-election? Funny. Not funny.) So headlines that may have been intriguing once, are passed right over. It’ll soon be over. And even though it’ll take a really long time to clean up all the messes made, and historians will have a field day writing books, the world will continue on its axis and we will all breathe a collective sigh of relief. It will literally be the nightmare we finally get to wake up from. And hopefully learn from. Please. As one of you put it so succinctly... “Cruz added that if voters are feeling optimistic, Republicans “could see a fantastic election.” But if “people are angry and they’ve given up hope” then “it could be a bloodbath of Watergate proportions.”” We haven’t given up hope. That’s why we’re already breaking voting records. But we are absolutely, positively, no ifs ands or buts, angry.

▶ Created on October 11, 2020 by Debbie

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