Resistbot Petition: WHY WHY WHY?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Because I am unable to get an appointment for a vaccine, my Covid confinement continues with not much of anything to look forward to. So since I’m frustrated my vow to discontinue writing to my elected officials is falling by the wayside. For the time being I’ll continue to be a version of the Chinese water torture, dripping on anyone and everyone that holds an elected position while at the same time not serving the country as well as I think they could and should. (Plus I just read that writing at least three lines a day keeps you sharp. And lessens all sorts of mental maladies. With that, I disagree.) But back to my dripping. Just another reminder that the majority of the GOP Congress remains on the wrong side of history. And it’s fascinating to watch. And read about. Because there are so many smart people trying to figure out what the heck is wrong with you guys. “Today, as state-level Republicans embraced Trump and QAnon, 45 Republican Senators led by Rand Paul (R-KY) agreed that the former president should not be tried for inciting the January 6 insurrection or trying to overturn the 2020 election results. Also today, Google joined the many other corporations that say they will not give money to any Republicans who voted against the counting of the certified ballots on January 6. The collision between these two warring groups cannot be avoided once the Senate impeachment trial starts two weeks from today.” Heather Cox Richardson 1/26/21 “The Senate is full of split-the-difference personalities grateful to take refuge in the argument: What Trump did was wrong, but it’s too late to hold him to account. Like Nikki Haley, we think that “what happened on January 6th was not great.” But alas, our scrupulous attention to constitutional detail forbids us to do anything about this violent act of not-greatness. ... The party’s best hope is to shove him aside. But if the Republican senators were the kinds of people who could do that, they would not have fallen under his thrall in the first place. In the immediate aftermath of the January 6 insurrection, for a brief moment, McConnell seemed to discover in himself some long-corked cask of courage and integrity. That moment did not last. What instead is being planned for February is a Night of the Rubber Knives (to borrow a phrase from political history)—a flinching from reality that will protect Trump, betray the country, and ever more abjectly subordinate a party that calls itself “constitutional” to the ego, whims, greed, and violence of a disgraced ex-president.” David Frum, The Atlantic 1/27/21 There. My attempt at shaming is done for the day.

▶ Created on January 27, 2021 by Debbie

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