Resistbot Petition: BETRAYAL OF AMERICA

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am, sadly, a constituent In rural west Texas. Earlier today I had a brief glimmer that America might prevail in condemning the actions of a president who incited a mob to attack the Capitol on January 6. To attack you on January 6. I fantasized that y’all might actually care about the whole truth coming out. For yourselves. For the American people. That you would make a vote that the majority of America considers a no brainer. But of course that didn’t happen. Now we get to move forward with the assumption that such presidential behavior will be the norm going forward. You failed your constituents by accepting a defense based on a lie to these same constituents. And by accepting that lie you mock the oath you took to the country. You accepted a lie. And you made your place in history with this lie. So good luck. Mr. Trump is all yours. And you’re all his. And you’ll be happy to know I’ll not be writing to you again, because what possible concern could ever top your support of an insurrectionist president. I’m done. And I can only hope you find your careers going forward the same.

▶ Created on February 13, 2021 by Debbie

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