The TRUMP ACT to hold Public Officials accountable for fraud
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Transparency, Responsibility, and Upholding of Morality in Public office (TRUMP) Act
Section 1: Short Title
This Act may be cited as the "Transparency, Responsibility, and Upholding of Morality in Public office (TRUMP) Act".
Section 2: Findings
The Congress finds that:
1. The integrity and trust in public office are paramount to the functioning of a democratic society.
2. Individuals convicted of civil fraud have demonstrated a disregard for the law and a propensity for dishonest behavior, which undermines the public's trust in their ability to hold office responsibly and ethically.
3. Preventing individuals convicted of civil fraud from seeking public office is necessary to protect the integrity of public institutions and ensure public trust.
Section 3: Definitions
For the purposes of this Act:
1. "Civil fraud" refers to a finding by a court of law that an individual has committed an act of deceit, false pretense, or fraudulent misrepresentation that resulted in financial or personal gain at the expense of another.
2. "Public office" refers to any elected or appointed office at the federal, state, or local level, including but not limited to positions such as President, Senator, Representative, Governor, Mayor, or any other position involving the administration of public funds or the creation of public policy.
Section 4: Prohibition
1. No individual who has been convicted of civil fraud in a court of law shall be eligible to seek, hold, or be appointed to any public office as defined in Section 3.
2. This prohibition shall apply to convictions that occur after the enactment of this Act.
Section 5: Enforcement and Penalties
1. It shall be the responsibility of the Federal Election Commission (FEC) to enforce the provisions of this Act pertaining to federal offices, and corresponding state or local election authorities to enforce the provisions of this Act pertaining to state or local offices.
2. Any individual who violates the provisions of this Act shall be subject to removal from office and may be barred from holding any public office in the future.
3. The FEC and state or local election authorities are empowered to adopt regulations and take necessary actions to enforce this Act.
Section 6: Implementation
1. This Act shall take effect one year after its enactment to allow for the establishment of enforcement mechanisms and regulations.
2. The FEC is directed to work in collaboration with state and local election authorities to ensure a uniform implementation of this Act.
Section 7: Severability
If any provision of this Act, or the application thereof to any person or circumstances, is found to be unconstitutional, the remainder of this Act, and the application of such provision to other persons or circumstances, shall not be affected thereby.
Section 8: Effective Date
This Act shall take effect immediately upon passage.