Resistbot Petition: NOT A GENIUS.

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Once again, the mighty dealmaker extraordinaire folded like a cheap tent. Created chaos with no plan. And then backpedaled like he always does. This is what cowards with power do. What bullies with no audience do. Are we supposed to thank him for finally signing a bill for us little folk? (While he’s at Mar-a-Lago golfing on our dime? While his second-in-command is off enjoying the slopes at Vail? While his chief negotiator jetted off to his private pad in Cabo? Us little folk are hoping to be able keep a roof over our heads and a bag of beans in the pantry. And avoid Covid until the vaccine trickles down to us.) He is no dealmaker. He is a fraud. And always has been. So can we please stop with the constant gaming of ‘What’s the strategy. What’s the plan? What’s he thinking? What’s the next move?’ Oh please. Let’s just stop with the following types of drivel shall we? "”I think what he was trying to do was simply trying to send the message that he wasn't happy with the bill," [Mick] Mulvaney said on CNBC's Squawk Box.” “”I applaud President Trump’s decision to get hundreds of billions of dollars of crucial COVID-19 relief out the door and into the hands of American families as quickly as possible," said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell in a statement that did not mention the commitments Trump said the Senate has made.” Per Axios, “Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.), and Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) didn't try to force Trump's hand, but instead "indulged his rants" and highlighted several items he could count as "wins" even without altering the bill. They also reportedly dropped hints about what signing the bill would mean for his legacy, reminded him he didn't want to hurt people, and convinced him that he had proven himself "to be a fighter" who had "gotten all there was to get" from the funding package.” Any parent will tell you these are all strategies for trying to get your toddler to eat spinach. So carry on. But don’t think we are fooled for a minute by your machinations to make Mr. Trump seem the hero in his continued attempts to burn it all down before he leaves. Best quote to hold onto until January 20...”We have a new President, who is merely the devil we know and not the actual devil.”

▶ Created on December 28, 2020 by Debbie

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