Resistbot Petition: SHAMELESS = SHAMEFUL

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Just a quick note to commend Senator Cruz on his high ethical standards as an impartial juror in the second Trump impeachment trial. I see that you and a few of the other ‘impartial’ jurors met with the Trump defense team to discuss strategy. What a open mockery is being made of what should be a serious proceeding. It’s bad enough that you and yours seem capable of ignoring all the gut-wrenching evidence we’ve all seen over the past few days. Capable of ignoring the damage done to the country. And the damage to come as we turn a blind eye to the radicalization of the GOP. Aided and abetted by you. Mr. Trump dominated you in the past. He dominates you in the present. And he will continue to dominate you in the future. With your permission. The lack of regard, the lack of concern, the lack of support for America is baffling. I predict that your bad choices will ultimately lead to a further bad outcome. But you’ve had ample opportunities to curb Mr. Trump in the past, ignored signs of what was to come on January 6, so I seriously doubt there’s much else that could happen that would shake your fealty. What a sickening state of affairs. I hope you’re proud of your part in it all.

▶ Created on February 12, 2021 by Debbie

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