Resistbot Petition: WHAT A POOP SHOW

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. What we’re reading in today’s edition of ‘look over here, not over there’… Impeachment proceedings for Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas sprint along, even though articles of impeachment were written before holding hearings. While knowing full well there is no suggestion that Mayorkas has done anything but try to implement the law, even as the administration has repeatedly asked for more funding to make it possible for him to do his job. Weaponization of power anyone? In the hearing yesterday, Rep. Seth Magaziner (D-RI) noted that “across the system, we are at and above capacity, and so, what should the secretary do? The secretary, because he has not received the funding to provide adequate detention capacity, has to use his judgment for who to detain and who to release. That is not illegal. It is certainly not impeachable. And it is the exact same kind of discretion that every other director before him has used. In the last two years of the Trump administration, 52% of migrants apprehended at the southern border were released, not detained…. Nearly a million people. I did not hear my Republican colleagues trying to impeach the secretary or acting secretary under the Trump administration during those years. But here they are, trying to impeach Secretary Mayorkas for doing the exact same thing.” So rather than passing the laws the country needs, you’re trying to create a duplicitous crisis using a real one. One you refuse to try and help actually solve. House speaker Mike Johnson has told Republican colleagues that he will not bring forward the bipartisan immigration bill senators have been working on for months, calling it “absolutely dead.”  Although he also insisted in November that border security was so crucial that he wouldn’t bring up aid to Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan, and Gaza until such legislation was attached to it. He’s now demanding “ZERO” illegal crossings into the U.S. Good one. Does he have magic to wall off every single means of entering this country by water, air, or land? And—despite false claims that Biden has established “open borders”—immigrants were more likely to be released into the country during Trump's term than during Biden’s. Look it up. ‘Politics before Country’ should be the new GOP bumper sticker. Meanwhile, in my small Texas town, I have to now concern myself with an invasion of another sort. Every nut with a gun and a grudge against the government is heading to our border at Eagle Pass. To help with secession I guess. That seems to be where our governor is taking us. Of course your presumptive presidential nominee is all for it. And he’s doing his usual stellar job of fanning the flames of insurrection. Got any thoughts on all this? Remember that anything you say is going in the history books…

▶ Created on January 31 by Debbie

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