Resistbot Petition: DON’T DO IT

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. In a continuing quest to make sure you know what your constituents might be thinking about the upcoming threat by the GOP House to crash the American and by extension the world economy I offer other’s concise words that say it all. “In exchange for not crashing the United States economy, you get nothing,” [HI Senator Brian] Schatz said in an interview with The Daily Beast. “You don’t get a cookie. ... You’re just a person doing the bare minimum of not intentionally screwing over your constituents for insane reasons.” “Asked about GOP calls that Democrats join Republicans at the negotiating table, the Hawaiian senator added, “We have to tell them there is no table.” “What Republicans are doing is manufacturing a hostage crisis, effectively telling Democrats that the GOP is prepared to harm Americans on purpose unless their demands are met. For all intents and purposes, it is a Republican extortion scheme.” “I don’t know why President Biden says he’s not going to negotiate,” House Freedom Caucus Chairman Scott Perry recently told ABC News.” “As it happens, there's no great mystery here. Not to put too fine a point on this, but it’s not just that the president won’t engage in talks with Republican hostage takers, it’s that he can’t: To negotiate with those threatening Americans is to encourage others to threaten Americans.” Do you understand that this is how it looks to us? As a real threat to the constituency you’re supposed to work on behalf of? To the country you took an oath to protect? This is crazy talk. And it won’t work. Y’all just keep shooting yourselves in the foot and wondering why it hurts.

▶ Created on January 16, 2023 by Debbie

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