I am your constituent and I want you to know that there is a crisis in maternal health in this country and you can help.
In 2021 the now rising maternal mortality rate was 32.9 deaths/100,000 live births. For Black women it was almost 70. The Commonwealth Fund has identified 23 practices that some states are implementing to improve maternal health.that improve maternal health.
They are at this link https://www.commonwealthfund.org/blog/2023/state-policy-trends-improve-perinatal-health-outcomes?
I want you to make sure that important services are covered. These include long postpartum care, treat postpartum depression, cover doulas, and cover long acting reversible contraception. So please enact legislation so that every health insurance policy covers those.
The most important recommendation was making sure that women have health insurance. You can do that with Universal Healthcare like HR 3421. Thank you.
▶ Created on November 21, 2023 by Healthcare Advocacy