Resistbot Petition: AMERICA RISING

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. 2024 has begun. And for me, the first day yesterday was fabulous. Even though we are reminded everyday of how dire the world is, how afraid we should be of whatever the subject du jour is, I feel like a corner has been turned. A cellular-level feeling of optimism is occurring that can’t be based on nothing. Call it premonition. I’m not afraid of American democracy failing, in the least. I can feel that it won’t. I feel the American people waking up, as we always do when faced with forces trying to weaken us. To divide us. Historians are showing us that the times we are living through are not new. We have gone through such struggles time and time again. And we the people have been victorious. We are the silent majority. We are not the ones grabbing headlines. We are the ones paying attention. We know what’s right. And what is not. We know when we’re being led down the garden path. We smell a rat. And we know how to get rid of him. We vote. So while the attempts to convince us that the 2024 presidential election cycle is a nose and nose horse race based on equivalent candidate weaknesses, we know it is not. We know that democracy will win out over all attempts to convince us it’s no longer a valid way to believe, or live. Because we have lived through it before. And what we are watching, slowly, surely, are those voices and forces that attempt to corrupt us gradually sink below the waves of history. Or fall under the slow, steady force of the American justice system. Which is not swayed by media BS. Or political rhetoric. So I say bring it on. This constituent is not falling for any of it. Because I know that the crazy we’ve been forced to live through the past few years is coming to an end, even if it is a slow, fizzling, desperate and loud end. This too shall pass. And it is. Too bad it took the GOP down with it. But selling your soul to the devil comes at a price. Bad bet. Bad bargain.

▶ Created on January 2 by Debbie

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