Resistbot Petition: WHAT MORE CAN WE DO?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. The televised fate of a struggling democratic sovereign country to repel invaders is the worst kind of theater. It seems obscene to sit and watch the death. The destruction. The misery. And all we as bystanders seem able to do is cry. And feel powerless. The immediacy of this war and the devastation of the Ukrainian people is unbearable to watch. It seems unconscionable to do so. But war is a dangerous chess game. And we hold our breath hoping that in this instance right will triumph over might. It’s a hopeful and hopeless thought all at the same time. So my question to my Republican representatives is this…what more can you do to help Ukraine? This is a conflict that we the people actually support, not like most of the ones we get involved in. All indications seem to point at a very well-coordinated alliance between us and the rest of the world in using every means other than actual warfare to stop Russia. And it seems to be working, at least in the effect to the Russian economy. And we seem to be supplying military assistance in any way we can. There doesn’t seem to be lack of money or equipment being allocated to Ukraine. But I keep reading how some of your members think everything done, united coalitions made, assistance provided, sanctions imposed, is just not enough. That the Biden administration is not doing enough. Did not do enough. Will not do enough. So my question remains…what else can be done? If there is more that can be done, please let us know what that something else might be. And make it so. We really want to help Ukraine succeed. If you have more ideas, more information, more real, actionable plans, please share them with us. I’m deadly serious. Because if not now, when? What are you saving it for?

▶ Created on March 8, 2022 by Debbie

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