An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I expect the emotional health of Americans is a jagged graph these days. I’m having a jagged day myself this morning. But I think I’ve pinpointed the underlying, constant issue, with me anyway. And it’s quite simple. We are taught, beginning as children to try and be good. To be kind. To not lie. To obey the law. To be respectful. To treat others as we would wish to be treated. These are not complicated rules to live by. So what has always jangled me over the past four years is how apparent it is that these rules that are supposed to govern us as a society, and as humans, are just an hypocrisy. These are values that are touted by our leaders when they wish to appeal to our outrage, but in their own practice, do not exist. And that split-screen of behavior is what makes me so very mad, sad, and frustrated. We all shrug at politicians and their liberal use of hyperbole. We can generally ferret out truth from fiction. But what we see these days is not politics. It is the cudgel of democracy used against itself. It is power seeking solely for the power. There doesn’t seem to be any plan other than to hang on to what you no longer deserve to hang on to. Watching the SCOTUS hearings is cringeworthy. I feel sorry for Ms. Barrett. She is put in an awful position and can’t be feeling very good about the assumption that she will be the one to declare Mr. Trump the winner in the upcoming election...if need be. Which makes all the GOP bleating about Democrats making the process political even more laughable. So I guess what it boils down to for me is what it always boils down to. Hypocrisy. The sheer audacious hypocrisy coming from you and yours is intolerable. We the people know the difference between right and wrong. It’s too bad our current crop of ‘leaders’ have lost their way on that issue. You are not worthy role models for our country. You serve no lofty purpose. But enough of stating the obvious. Me, I’m allying my daily malaise with an early vote. At last, the reckoning is upon us.

▶ Created on October 13, 2020 by Debbie

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