Resistbot Petition: GILEAD BEGINS (Texas only)

An open letter to State Governors & Legislatures (Texas only)


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I realize there is no arguing with religious fervor. Just look at the Taliban. Or Texas. Thought exercise for the day. You’re a Texas woman. Who took off work. Arranged for child care. Rented a car. Drove all the way to Oklahoma for an abortion appointment. Only to find out that due to yet more heinous backroom GOP actions, her appointment had been cancelled. This is tragic. But not to you. Your single-minded focus combined with the power to take this woman’s rights away, led to this. Where is she to go now? What is she to do? Her pleas of pregnancy by rape had no effect. The provider had no choice in the matter. Because of the actions of Texas. We are better educated than we were pre-Roe. We have more options. There will be an underground created. There will be a vibrant black market created. You and yours will not stop desperate women from doing what needs to be done. And better yet, businesses flee Texas. Women flee Texas. We all flee Texas. Plus, isn’t it wonderful that a man terrorizing a female relative with long-term rape resulting in pregnancy now gets to see the physical manifestation of his monstrous actions? And Texas approves of this reality. Men don’t get it. Can’t get it. Haven’t a clue as to what this kind of desperate feels like. I expect the women you know and love might. But let’s hope they all live perfect lives that never require their state to offer them support with this most personal of decisions. But it can’t happen to them. Right?

▶ Created on May 7, 2022 by Debbie

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