Resistbot Petition: STOP THE NOISE

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. What we see today. Strong evidence that the GOP House is ready, able, and willing to destroy the American economy, and by ripple effect much of the world economy by voting no on raising the debt ceiling. This means America will be a scofflaw. We won’t commit to paying bills we rang up, all with your previous approval. Is this something you actually want? We see a Biden budget for America. Where is yours? It seems starting with two budgets and working on a viable compromise might be a good place to start. Instead we see your congressional fringe making absurd demands without either the sense or understanding or giving a damn how extreme they are. No concern about the damage they are looking forward to unleashing on the country they serve. We see Congress interfering with the rule of law by jumping into a premature defense of DJT, based solely on his prediction that he was about to be indicted. (Fundraising boondoggle anyone?) Congressional interference based on a direct request, apparently, from his lawyer. It seems that such actions may be unlawful, but no matter. A candidate for president that may be at the least under indictment while running. Who instigates violence under the guise of protest every time he feels threatened. A portion of Congress that jumps to his defense when he asks them to. A fringe of that same Congress that holds any sanity left to be had hostage by their quest for attention. And their constant noise. And who seem to prefer insurrection to achieve authoritarianism over serving their country. The entertainment factor in this constant stream of BS is wearing very thin. When the majority of America can suffer at the hands of an out of control minority, what’s to be done? Only you and yours have the power to do anything to calm the waters. But you seem powerless, or more likely unwilling, to do a thing. Just thought you might like a perspective outside of your bubble. In Texas you might rule the roost, but the majority of our citizenry don’t want what you’re peddling. And I’m not quite sure what it’s gonna take to finally prove that to you. But we might find out. Lord save us all.

▶ Created on March 24, 2023 by Debbie

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