Resistbot Petition: DO SOMETHING SANE

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Is it any wonder we’re killing each other? Not only because we have the means readily at hand to do so, but because we watch our ‘leadership’ engage in the most illogical behavior to justify actions that aren’t justifiable. Examples abound… Reporter to Sen. Cruz: “I just want to understand why you do not think that guns are the problem. Why is this an American problem?” Answer: ‘I’m sorry you hate what makes our country great. And stop spouting propaganda.’ A paraphrase, but not much of one. “Our Texas governor Greg Abbott chose not to attend the National Rifle Association gathering in Houston on Friday as he had planned. Instead, he sent a video message insisting no law enforcement could have stopped the gunman. Was a video appearance supposed to be better than showing up in person?” No law enforcement could have stopped the gunman? But a 65 year old granny teacher could and would? And would be expected to? Other countries — democracies with large economies — used to have problems with brutal mass shootings. Then they imposed restrictions on guns, at which point their societies became vastly safer. “We need only look south of the border to know that if we do not take action, firmly and rapidly, it gets worse and worse and more difficult to counter,” Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau said when speaking to the press about his current efforts to stop the sale of handguns. It’s good that America serves as a learning lesson to other politicians around the world, but not so much to our own. I think PM Trudeau summed it up well when he said it was ‘responsible leadership’ to address the deadly issue of guns the wrong hands. Or in too many hands. “If gun laws don’t work, why did the murderer in Uvalde wait until his 18th birthday to purchase a gun?” So please stop with nonsensical ‘solutions’ like fewer doors in schools, bulletproof backpacks, razor wire, armed guards, and other measures for our children to have to spend their educational years fearful and traumatized in pint-sized prisons. Instead of your false pretensions to ‘pro-life’, stand up and mean it. If the continued death of children is your idea of the price of freedom, nobody thinks it’s worth it. Listen to the people for a change.

▶ Created on May 31, 2022 by Debbie

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