Resistbot Petition: SPLIT-SCREEN REALITY

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Today I’m thinking about the concept of the self-fulfilling prophecy. Americans are watching it play out daily. One side of our political spectrum touts positive. Makes efforts to help the population by focusing on people. On actions that better lives. Messages that raise us up, that make us optimistic, that give us hope. People like hope. The other side, you, talks about America’s demise. A smoldering pile of darkness. A vision supported by deliberate actions to create that reality. Examples… You say the American economy sucks. You have your evidence in our credit rating being downgraded left and right. No matter that that is caused, demonstrably, by political chaos of your own creation. You can read economic reports. You know the economy is booming. You say crime is rampant. And point to everything except the preponderance of firearms, cutting of social programs to help the mentally ill, the disdain for anything that helps citizens achieve lives with hope. Hope is a great motivator to quiet crime. Which of course you tend to overplay anyway. Especially in any ‘blue’ town. You say borders are chaotic. But lawmakers in power do next to nothing to come up with a coherent plan to change any of it. The continued chaos, shouted from every GOP lawmaker’s mouth, is too useful a tool in creating a self-fulfilling prophecy to actually solve. You say our government doesn’t work. Therefore any efforts to tear it down are actually good for the country. To tout the Constitution while also ignoring it when it’s in the way is not in an oath of office. But is good for creating the semblance of patriotism when taking actions that are anything but. You say the rule of law is being abused for political purposes. Of course the hypocrisy exhibited by your side on this issue is astounding. But because your megaphone is loud and persistent, some of us fall for it. You say elections are rigged. This is one of the most damaging self-fulfilling things you have done. Elections are only good when the GOP wins, otherwise they are suspect. But instead of putting forth candidates that the majority of us can get behind, you corrupt one of the pillars of our Republic by disavowing the will of the people. And attempting to impede our right to vote at every turn. Creating doubt and suspicion in our country. There we have it. Because the GOP has become a radical element that does not see the country like most of us do, and is having trouble convincing us otherwise, your only solution is to remake it in a vision that you hope will make us run into your arms for salvation. What a cheap thing to do to your country.

▶ Created on November 11, 2023 by Debbie

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