President Biden, Ladies and gentlemen of Congress,
I rise today deeply troubled by the ongoing atrocities committed by Israeli soldiers, which include acts of rape, theft, murder, mutilation, torture, starvation, kidnapping, occupation, and terrorism. These actions, while perpetrated under the guise of self-defense, cannot be ignored or excused.
For far too long, Israel has played the victim on the international stage while simultaneously rejecting international law and engaging in egregious human rights violations. This pattern of behavior has persisted for nearly a century, and it is time for us to acknowledge the truth and take a stand for justice.
As representatives of a nation that claims to uphold universal values of fairness and equality, we cannot turn a blind eye to the suffering of innocent civilians at the hands of Israeli forces. Our unwavering support for Israel must not come at the expense of ignoring the injustices inflicted upon the Palestinian people.
It is incumbent upon us to hold Israel accountable for its actions, to demand adherence to international law, and to advocate for a just and peaceful resolution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. We cannot claim to champion justice while defending such grave injustices.
America must demand an immediate end to Israel's genocide of Palestinians and the ecocide of their land. We must enact laws that grant Palestinians freedom from occupation, starting with a permanent ceasefire, dismantling apartheid policies, divesting funds and arms, and implementing sanctions against Israel.
The weaponization of starvation by Israel cannot be tolerated. America must ensure that humanitarian aid flows freely into Gaza to alleviate the suffering of innocent civilians trapped in this conflict.
It is time for us to take meaningful action to address these grave injustices and work towards a just and peaceful resolution for all parties involved.
Your immediate attention to address my each concern is needed without delay. I look forward to your response.
▶ Created on April 5 by Fatima
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