Resistbot Petition: HAD ENUF?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I fully know that writing to my elected officials (you) serves no point other than allowing me to vent disbelief, disappointment, and endless head-scratching mouth-dropping observations. Frankly, y’all have exhausted me. But every once in a while, I still have to marvel at the political party that my home state just can’t seem to shake. Today is one of those days. Trump. Mar-a-Largo FBI search. I’m tired even writing the words. I can only imagine how you must feel. Assuming you feel. But this will be your day/week/months to come. Best saddle up. While Pres Biden signs the CHIPS act, starting a path to take some power away from China (I think y’all say you’re for that, right? It’s hard to keep track), the GOP gets to once again fire up the outrage machine that justice might finally be coming for their golden boy. Justice in the form of National Archives archivists. You gotta love it. Of all the things that should/would/could bring down DJT, it’s literal paper-pushers who might finally do the job no one else could. But he’ll compel GOP loyalty no matter what the FBI finds. ‘Justice for thee, not for me.’ The former president has discovered a new test of power: using his own misconduct to compel party leaders to rally to him. So I leave you with these words from one of your own, “Ask not what your member of Congress can do for you. Ask what your member of Congress can do to salve Donald Trump’s hurt feelings.” And also add to help him escape Justice. No matter what. It’s really all you have left at this point.

▶ Created on August 9, 2022 by Debbie

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