Resistbot Petition: WHERE DOES IT GO NOW?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Now that our government can once again function (loose term) after the cage fight in the House, a few views from a constituent. What we just watched is not an example of how to govern, contrary to the masterful spin being put on it. It is chaos. It is giving the keys to the asylum to the inmates. It is not evidence of a leader showing leadership by ‘never giving up.’ It is making deals that give away power with nothing in return but a vote. And the things Mr. McCarthy gave away may in theory be his to give away, but the American people may beg to differ once we begin to see what this means in action. We don’t want show trials, serving nothing but politics of the fringe. And wasting our money. We don’t want our personal safety and security eroded by cries to end social programs that raise us up and give us dignity. We don’t want legislated discrimination in any of the creative forms y’all keep trying to manifest. We absolutely DO NOT WANT the faith and credit of the United States used as a bargaining chip by a few extremists in a protracted debt ceiling fight. A game of chicken by a few who seem intent on destroying the country they work for, in the name of true conservatism, is criminal. And those folks should not have access to the power they can wield. Lastly, we do not want retroactive, backwards thinking, take me back to a mythical 1950s mindset. America should not strive to be in retrograde. That is not and never will be the path to peace and prosperity. Or progress. That’s it. Good luck.

▶ Created on January 7, 2023 by Debbie

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