Resistbot Petition: NUTS FOR AMERICA

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Today is a comment on the GOP. After that, I’m sitting it out until the mid-terms. I’ve had enough. And there’s too much crazy to even get upset. It’s dangerous. It’s ludicrous. It’s politics at its most desperate. And sadly entertaining in a train wreck sort of way. You have awful candidates whose only claim to anything is the validation of DJT. Herschel Walker is an uninformed, ill-educated, lying scofflaw who abuses women and has zero moral core. He’s mental. But, because of the overriding quest to regain the Senate, Mitch McConnell still continues his support of this man. And the head of the snake that is the GOP, the NRA, said it all when she said she wouldn’t care if Mr. Walker aborted baby eagles, she wants the Senate. I bet she does. And she’ll get it if y’all do. And Walker is just one of a myriad of nuts running. But you know better than I do. Where is the pride of party? Of country? Of humanity? Of moral codes? Of basic decency? Not in the GOP. The facade is gone. The man behind the curtain is exposed. It’s all been farce. Lies. A rotten core wrapped in aggrieved moral outrage signifying nothing other than a mad quest for power. No matter the price. This all sounds strong I know. But really, I’m just embarrassed for y’all more than anything. You’ve thrown it all away. And I, and the rest of center-aligned America, see that the GOP today has zero substance. Only crazy. Because you have made it so. You cynically believe that’s what will get you what you want. And god help us all if that actually works.

▶ Created on October 5, 2022 by Debbie

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