Resistbot Petition: THE TIDE IS TURNING

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Object lesson for the day. Don’t spread lies and misinformation damaging to your country and expect to be rewarded and/or accepted back into the fold of credibility. NBC made a huge error in judgement, and basic integrity, when they offered Ronna McDaniel a plum job as a ‘conservative’ commentator. Offering a legitimate news job to a purveyor of lies and a actual enabler of election interference turned out not to be the fair and balanced scenario they envisioned. They too, like the GOP of bygones days, made a bad bet. But unlike the GOP, they made the decision to reverse course on this bad bet before they destroyed their reputation as a legitimate news source. They rescinded the job offer. They listened to their people, and the public, who were outraged. Their people were outraged because unlike McDaniel, they seem to have actual integrity in what they choose to present to the public. She obviously chases a paycheck and morphs into whatever form is required to get that paycheck. No wonder they were upset. As were we the public. It was a base, calculating decision to pander to an audience that should not be pandered to. This pandering is why we’re in this state of conspiracy-laden, misinformation-spreading BS in the first place. The unacceptable has been made acceptable. This decision to backpedal by NBC was a watershed moment. One that we look to with admiration, and hope for such decisions across the spectrum going forward. We are sick of the lying and the chaos and the vile politics that we watch. We are sick of those seeking the spotlight that will say anything and everything, will support anything and everything, that they think will bring them power or attention or money. The NBC decision was the type of public shunning we could use more of. And it’s coming. It’s been coming. Taking one for the team while working against your country doesn’t seem to be paying off. But maybe I’m wrong since we’re also reading that the RNC is basically requiring a blood oath from staff, present and future, that the 2020 election was stolen. Really?

▶ Created on March 27 by Debbie

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