Resistbot Petition: MAGA-FIED TO THE MAX

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Welp. That’s done. The dissolution of the GOP is complete. There is no GOP. Only MAGA. Some among you may call yourselves Republicans, but reality shows otherwise. The only folks brave enough these days to declare themselves old-school Republicans are either heading for the door, forced out the door, or commentating on cable news about the death of their party. The rest of you have finally one and all took the hook, line, and sinker. Emphasis on the sinker. You have elected an element of politics that has been, is, and will be disavowed every time the American people have opportunity to do so. We do not want leadership by an avowed election denier. Not only an election denier, but an architect of the efforts to squelch the results. An active participant in disrupting the peaceful transfer of power that is one of America’s defining strengths. I leave aside all the other distasteful, hateful, harmful beliefs that he espouses. That’s between him and his conscience. And the electorate who thinks he should remain their representative. But that a major political party, once powerfully righteous in their belief and support of all things American, has fallen to such a false God and turned their back on their country by electing a subversive as Speaker of the House, is truly unbelievable. Best of luck to you, the country, and MAGA Mike. It’s got a ring to it doesn’t it?

▶ Created on October 26, 2023 by Debbie

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