This situation constitutes a five-alarm fire emergency demanding an urgent response to defend Americans' constitutional privacy rights from Elon Musk's rogue DOGE agency's attempts to illegally access the most sensitive personal financial data in the IRS Integrated Data Retrieval System (IDRS). Allowing DOGE improper IDRS access would egregiously violate bedrock privacy laws like the Privacy Act of 1974 while enabling exploitation of private citizens' identification numbers, bank information, and more for nefarious political purposes. As your constituent, I implore you to take all immediate measures available to extinguish this privacy inferno and unequivocally deny DOGE's unconscionable demands. Furthermore, there must be a full investigation into the full scope of Musk's disturbing efforts to unconstitutionally infiltrate federal agencies and systems. Publicly condemn these anti-democratic acts and defend my personal data along with every American's from this five-alarm fire threatening the foundations of government accountability and privacy.