Resistbot Petition: MAN UP FOR THE COUNTRY

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Why is it always the women in your party who have the testicular courage that your male members (no pun intended) lack? As we gear up for another effort to wash that man right out of our hair, I’m watching House Republicans plead for unity. To work together for the good of the country. To put all this unpleasantness behind us. For the good of the American people. Who are angry. (Have y’all figured out why that might be?) Ha! It’s gobsmacking how they are able to get up and spout such nonsense. The past four years have been spent intently trying to get to the point we found ourselves on January 6. Were these members hibernating during that time? Or did they regard Mr. Trump’s non-stop incendiary language somehow uniting and comforting to the country? What BS. So as the day unfolds, with hope that more of your party actually do want the country to be united by showing the world that attempts to subvert our democracy have consequences, regardless of who you are, by impeaching and removing the clear and present danger in the WH. These are the words that are true. “The President of the United States summoned this mob, assembled the mob, and lit the flame of this attack. Everything that followed was his doing. None of this would have happened without the President. The President could have immediately and forcefully intervened to stop the violence. He did not. There has never been a greater betrayal by a President of the United States of his office and his oath to the Constitution.” You go girl.

▶ Created on January 13, 2021 by Debbie

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