Resistbot Petition: WHEN DOES THIS END?

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constitute in rural west Texas. I spend a lot of days just perplexed. Maybe I’m just missing the obvious. Maybe I am deluded in what I always thought was true. I just can’t tell anymore. I always thought we appreciated and supported and honored our military. Why wouldn’t we? They do it for us. For the country they choose to serve. They sign up to give their all if need be. But there’s a Senator in your ranks who doesn’t seem to get any of that vision of service to country. A Senator who continues to punish our military over his personal objection to a policy that they have absolutely no control over. He seems to be using them as a surrogate punching bag for political purposes. This is so wrong. I do applaud the two Senators who have finally had enough. And are not afraid to say so. Bravery is a lonely profession. I just hope others appreciate their efforts and join them. Sitting in the shadows while our military members suffer and our enemies watch is not leadership. If you support our military please show it by using your power to help them. Between Tuberville, Vance, and most of the GOP House, who needs foreign enemies? Our own government seems to be working against us.

▶ Created on November 2, 2023 by Debbie

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