Resistbot Petition: NO BREXIT FOR AMERICA

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. I bet y’all are glad that most of America doesn’t really pay much attention to politicians’ actions, except when they’re going to jail or exposed in some sexual picadillo. Glad that most of us are happy to swallow the random sound bite or outrage that gets tossed to us constantly. The majority of us are just trying to get through our days without drama. With the assumption that leaders will lead for the good of their population. Nothing wrong with that. It’s aspirational. But what is wrong with that is that we are persuaded, constantly, to believe up is down and black is white, with no real evidence. The examples of this abound. But today we’re watching what has happened with the British PM. 44 days in office and the people said enough. She came in and made a bad situation way worse. Why? Because she rammed through the exact same economic priorities that the GOP always insists are the cure-all for everything, tax cuts for the rich. “On September 23, Larry Kudlow of Fox Business on the Fox News Channel said: “The new British prime minister, Liz Truss, has laid out a terrific supply-side economic growth plan which looks a lot like the basic thrust of Kevin McCarthy's Commitment to America plan.”” We know GOP presidents explode the deficit. Every. Single. Time. We know this. Facts don’t lie, believe it or not. But your magic is that, because we don’t pay much attention, you are able to convince a whole lotta people that your way is THE way. Regardless of reality. It’s a super-power. But not a good one. So carry on. Keep beating that dead horse. It’s just a shame that our population isn’t as clear-eyed as the Brits. And that our remedy for destructive politics isn’t so immediate.

▶ Created on October 22, 2022 by Debbie

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