Resistbot Petition: WHACK-A-MOLE

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Today’s hypocrisy watch. GOP Congress and the border. Standard bloviating by group of GOP House members before, during, and after their march on Eagle Pass. Misinformation. Embellished ‘facts.’ Rhetorical fist pounding. Any idea what was actually achieved? Oh. Right. The performance and ensuing press was achieved. Other than that, nada. Here are some actual facts… On Day One, President Biden proposed a comprehensive immigration reform plan and followed up by delivering record border security funding every single year of his term. House Republicans have obstructed his reform proposal and consistently voted against his unprecedented border security funding year after year, hamstringing our border security in the name of extreme, partisan demands. A related report from Government Executive noted that House Republicans “previously approved spending cuts for fiscal 2024 that would have resulted in Border Patrol losing 2,000 positions.” The GOP’s rejection of Biden’s supplemental funding package included money to hire new border agents, asylum officers and immigration judges, as well as technology to combat the flow of fentanyl. Good, solid, bureaucratic, unsexy pursuit of real solutions y’all claim to want. Instead you focus on more inhumane methods. An ineffective wall. Denial of humanitarian consideration of the plights of people seeking the American dream. Round them up. Send them back. Arrest them. Put them on buses bound for political enemies. Take their children away. Dehumanize them. And one of my personal favorites, seize any and all private property necessary to achieve any of these goals. The GOP goal in this is apparent. You may truly want border security, but your words speak loud while your actions are empty. This is what is real…“Let me tell you, I’m not willing to do too damn much right now to help a Democrat and to help Joe Biden’s approval rating,” Republican Rep. Troy Nehls of Texas said. “I will not help the Democrats try to improve this man’s dismal approval ratings. I’m not going to do it.” Bingo.

▶ Created on January 4 by Debbie

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