Resistbot Petition: SNAP OUT OF IT

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. Today seems perfect for an analogy. Watching the continued failing, flailing, in-denial efforts of Mr. Jordan to achieve a position no functioning adult thinks he should have offers a perfect example of what has happened to the GOP. Past actions have consequences. Being stuck in an echo chamber that only says what you believe to be true is delusional. Trying to convince voters that up is down ultimately will fail. Bullying only works if you’re DJT. And his bullying only works because of a major lack of intestinal fortitude among his political peers. Finally, most simply, but apparently not apparent to a lot of you, actions speak louder than words. So…y’all can keep trying to cram the same old chaos, the same old disingenuous conversations, the same old trying to convince us that a big steaming pile of you-know-what is caviar, it ain’t gonna work. And attempting to spin any of the current historical disfunction as a good thing is laughable. Get your party back. Wishing and hoping and keeping your head down hoping this too shall pass is biting you on the butt. Don’t double down on the bad bets you’ve made. None of this is the way to run a political party. Or the country you profess to serve. DJT is the only person who can maintain this constant level of BS…and you see where that’s gotten him. And where it’s getting you. I think the universe is trying to tell you something.

▶ Created on October 20, 2023 by Debbie

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