Resistbot Petition: WE DON’T, AND WON’T, BELIEVE YOU

An open letter to the U.S. Congress


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Greetings. I am a voting constituent in rural west Texas. The Right to Contraception Act fell short of the 60 votes needed to move forward in the Senate today. "It's not a serious attempt to legislate this is just a show vote in anticipation of the election," said Sen. John Cornyn, a Texas Republican who is running to become the Senate Republican leader this fall. "Democrats think they can win this case, this election based on reproductive rights and somehow they're suggesting that contraception is in jeopardy, which is just blatantly false." I would direct you to an article in today’s (June 5) Washington Post by Lauren Weber “Conservative attacks on birth control could threaten access.” It is in-depth reporting on the very efforts Senator Cornyn regards as false. Happening across the country. In short. We don’t believe you. Why would we?

▶ Created on June 5 by Debbie

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